Jesse's story starts as the proverbial kick in the selfish person's butt, to one of pain and preseverance, continues as the little engine that could and ends with a miracle because of all the love, faith and support from family, friends and guardian angels.
The kick
I was the selfish one. My priorities were work, school, work, Chris, work, self, work, fun and then work, family. Admittedly focusing this much time on work resulted in some accolaides that made me proud and provided me opportunities such as travel, a new house and graduate school. But it also started to define me and skewed my priorities. Thankfully I'm married to my best friend; someone who knows me better than myself sometimes. So although having kids wasn't anywhere in my personal spectrum at the time and definitely not something that fit into my schedule; my best friend reminded me that it used to be something I really wanted and some things are more important than the things that "fit" into my schedule. Approximately a year later, and after probably a dozen home pregnancy tests, I was brought in on a little secret at 5 am in the guest bathroom of our new home. I was so excited but didn't want to just wake up Chris and tell him; I wanted this secret for myself or just until I thought of how to surprise him with the news. That night when Chris got home, he was greeted at the door by a big stuffed ape and the following note:
The pain and more pain
Approximately 4 weeks later I had my first doctor's appointment. I was anxious and excited for this appointment to ask my questions (like why was I showing already?) and learn more about this journey I had just started but unfortunately was a little disappointed and let down by my first visit. The midwife was a little surprised by the fact I already showing and noticed that I was "firm" where I should have been soft but didn't have the answers as to why and referred me the doctor. The doctor also didn't have any real answeres but did identify that I seemed to have a large uterine fibroid but again couldn't explain what this meant for my pregnancy. So I took upon myself to find a new doctor. The first doctor I met was great but was kind and honest enough to explain to me that the size of my uterine fibroid was unusually large and that I should see a Maternal & Fetal Medicine Specialist. And that is how I met Dr. Esplin & Dr. Porter. They too were surprised by the fibroid's size and how quickly it was growing. Before I was pregnant it was probably the size of a pea, at my first appointment it was the size of a walnut, after another month it was the size of an orange, and by month 4 it was the size of a canteloupe. At each appointment the doctor spent time with Chris and I explaining his concern that the fibroid would prevent the baby from growing or that my body wouldn't be able to handle the stress and pain of the "situation". By month 4 my situation included 1) daily nausea and vomiting which was so severe that I was only able to keep down 1 fruit smoothie (made by Chris) if I was taking my daily allowance of Zofran; the strongest anti-nausea prescription that lasted 4 days and cost $50........ to be continued.
1 comment:
What a blessing to have Jesse.
Our precious little man was so worth all the extra efforts and prayers. Love you dearly Jesse.
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