Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Tradition

Each year we have the pleasure of joining Chris' family in Wales, Utah for some SanPete County fun. Some of my favorite things: camping in a trailer, pa Jess & ma Lyd, gathering around the fire, playing softball in a freshly mowed field, taking Jesse on a walk up to the well and then continuing the walk with Aunt Elaine to the cemetery, the tree swing, Jesse making friends with his 2nd cousins, meeting new cousins, reconnecting with relatives that we haven't seen for a year, pa Jess & ma Lyd, visiting the Mt. Pleasant cemetery to visit Chris' grandpa, lying in bed and listening to rain on the trailer in the middle of the night, surving a WWF smackdown when tagging a 2nd base run, my husband running to the store to buy diapers, Levi tormenting Lynsie to take a swing ride, Jesse tormenting everyone else, grandma Lucille, and did I mention how great Lyd & Jess are?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Love Is In the Air

One of the most exciting and memorable moments in a person's life is the day the love of your life proposes to you. Well for two people I love and adore, today was that day for them. First, my brother-in-law, Levi, proposed to Lynsie Montague at Niagara Falls and second, my dear brother, Steven, proposed to Ashley Gressman in the same place they met and have shared many memories together. I am so excited to gain two sister-in-laws and Jesse & Jorja both love their new aunts.

But with all of this love in the air, I couldn't help but reflect on my "happiest day" which was September 22, 1996...oh, so long ago yet it feels like yesterday. :) Chris called me and asked if I'd like to go hiking with him in the Uintahs and of course my answer was, yes. I left my parents a note that my mom has saved for me. On the drive up, we stopped at a gas station where while pumping fuel I proceeded to wrap my boot laces around a cememt barrier and fell flat on my back, and on our way to the trail head I'm pretty sure I asked Chris if he thought we would ever get married (probably the 5th time that month I had "discreetly" hinted of my preferences). Well Chris was kind enough to proceed to the Ruth Lake trailhead even though I had made a fool of myself twice already. When we got to the lake he dumped his back pack and emptied the contents; one of which was a blanket for a picnic - oh how sweet I thought, and then he turned his back toward me to and rummage through his bag and then, surprise, he proposed. Oh what a moment. It was perfect.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Jorja - 3 months

Mesmerized but not totally in love with her mobile and fish swing. She has definitely discovered her hands and likes to suck on as many fingers at a time as possible. I love the slurping noise she makes when sucking on a finger or two or four. She always has a smile ready especially first thing in the morning or after a nap.

I really thought we had made significant strides on potty training but the last two weeks Jesse has reverted back to messing in his pants and not being too interested. I guess it’s time to truly commit and put on the underwear. As soon as I get down to my last pack of pull-ups we are going to jump in with both feet.

Since the last milestone update I’ve returned to work. I’m a mixed bag of emotions. I was a wreck the first morning but then found my stride and was actually impressed with my abilities to get it all done…well almost all of it. But now, I’m back to doubting whether or not I can do it all. I am absolutely grateful to have a husband that lends a helping hand but I still feel like I’m drowning. So…now it’s time to focus on all the good things:

Jorja survived my dumb mistake of putting her boppie on the coach with her feet headed in the wrong direction : needless to say she fell off the coach, luckily it was low to the ground, and landed on her face; scratching her nose and giving her a big gooseegg. Which reminds me, Jesse was quite accident prone this week as well. First day in shorts outside resulted in 5 bandaids (2 of them were consoling aids only).
Chris did really well last semester and is currently experiencing a well deserved 2 week reprieve.
My mom and I took a trip down memory lane….attended Viewmont High’s spring dance concert. It was especially heart wrenching during the daddy-daughter dance; I just sobbed. I miss my dad.
I discovered 2 of my favorite cousins, who live in St. George, have blogs.
Lastly, we are so lucky to have Brittany, another favorite cousin, watching Jesse & Jorja 2x a week. She is the best and Jesse adores her.